Saturday, November 17, 2012

Daisies, Year 2, Meeting 5

My Daisies never cease to amaze me.  Seriously.  These girls are already making waves!  Today was just one of many, many reasons why I believe all of theses girls are going to do big things in life.

Before the big hoopla of our investiture and rededication, we had some free time planned to use as a planning session.  At the end of last year, we sat down with the girls and asked what they wanted to do.  Knowing that we would have a lot of new girls this year, we only planned out the first half of the year.  All of the girls came up with amazing ideas!  Some of them they aren't old enough to do, but we promised them that when they are old enough, if they still want to do them, we will.

One of the things they asked to do was a second take action project.  With the plans for the garden already underway, we figured why not.  The girls asked for the opportunity to be able to visit local nursing homes and help out there.  I'm not really sure what a Daisy can do at a nursing home, but we are looking into it (so we'll get back to you!).

So, what is an investiture and rededication? An investiture ceremony is when a new scout dedicates herself to Girl Scouting. Traditionally, this takes place or after the fourth meeting of the year.  A rededication is for returning scouts who are renewing the promise they first made at their investiture.  This also takes place at or after the fourth meeting.  This is a very important moment for our scouts!

We resused the poster we made last year and used a more simplified ceremony.  The girls began by doing a very simple flag ceremony.  We used small, desktop flags (we couldn't really ask a group of six year olds to carry full blown flags), but it still served the purpose.  From there, we explained what we were doing, and had each girl place their petal on the board and say what it was.  That was followed by giving all of our new girls their insignia tab with the Daisy pin.  We then pulled up our returning girls and gave them a special rededication patch.  We retired our flags, and so ended our ceremony.  Needless to say, our girls did amazing!

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